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I'm a Jersey girl, and proud of it. I come from the same area of this state that brought the world great artists and entertainers like Bruce Springsteen, Kevin Smith, Danny DeVito, Michael Douglas, and Jon Stewart. In fact, the film Clerks was shot right down the street from my childhood home, and I used to see Smith after school when he worked down there. I can guarantee you that the Milk Maid is based off of my grandmother.

I began studying theater and performing as a preteen, and enrolled in college to move onto professional study. From 2002 to 2005, I studied at Brookdale College in Lincroft, NJ as a theater major. (FYI, this is the same program where various actors in Clerks and other local productions had studied.) There I was exposed to a variety of acting techniques for stage and camera, as well as having the opportunity to perform in Shakespearean theater and experimental theater. This is also where the playwrights Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore have workshopped their plays before opening them on Off-Broadway, so I was also given the unique chance to see professional actors, writers, and directors in action while pursuing my studies.

From 2005 to 2007, I studied at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ, earning my degree in theater arts. Not only did I get the chance to continue working on my acting technique (as well as receiving intensive instruction on the Meisner technique), but I also studied voice, speech, movement, dance, directing, script analysis, scenic art, and theater management. Not bad for two years! I got to participate in various workshop performances done through Mason Gross's theater program, as well as perform in the 30+ year old Cabaret Theater.

Now that I've graduated, I have begun making the audition rounds in NYC and am looking to expand into film and television work as well as theater. I currently study at T. Schreiber Studio in Manhattan, continuing to hone and expand my performance skills. I also study improv at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, which is pretty exciting for a long-time admirer of Del Close like myself.

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